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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Free Light Bulbs from 26th PD

South Kensington Community Partners

The 26th Police District is giving out LED "dusk to dawn" light bulbs. These bulbs emit a bright white light and turn on during low light conditions. The goal is to provide as many 26th District residents with a bulb for the front of their properties (one per household). 

Residents can come to the 26th District Monday - Friday, 9AM - 3PM to obtain one light bulb to install as an exterior light on the front of their house. All you need to do is leave the light switch on and the bulb will activate during low light. Residents of the 26th District must bring an ID card or other type of documentation (utility bill, cell phone bill, etc) and provide their name and address for our records. Residents who are elderly or disabled and cannot travel to the district can contact or call 215-686-3260. 

Neighbors can also pick up light bulbs from SKCP during our office hours.

Neighborhood Advisory Committee Meeting - RESCHEDULED

South Kensington Community Partners

This is the rescheduled NAC Meeting from 1/8 - please join us on Monday, January 15!

South Kensington neighbors are invited to attend the first NAC meeting of 2018! Community members can join this open meeting to learn more about SKCP, this month's upcoming service area briefing, and other projects in the neighborhood. Contact Ellie with questions (

Neighborhood Advisory Committee Meeting

Monday, January 15

6:30 - 8:00 pm

1301 N 2nd Street

Please RSVP here.


Recycling Resources

South Kensington Community Partners

  • Recycle your Christmas Tree with the Streets Department 
    • Saturday, January 6 & 14
    • 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
    • American & Thompson Streets
    • Find other locations through the Streets Department.
  • Recycling Bins available for neighbors at SKCP office
    • Available on first-come first-served basis!
    • Stop by during office hours, or call ahead to see if they're still available.
    • Learn more about Philacycle Rewards here.  

Community is More Important Now Than Ever. Please Consider Supporting SKCP.

South Kensington Community Partners

Our tireless volunteers are the heart of South Kensington Community Partners. They generously give their time and energy to preserve and strengthen the diverse and dynamic community that we all cherish. Your contribution will help support the investments we make together in this neighborhood.

Thank you for the generosity of those who have already donated - we have raised over $2,000 so far!

Please help us meet our $10,000 goal.