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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Keepin' It Local: Saturday September 28th


The Equal Dollars team and our friends at SKCP, NKCDC and the FNA have organizeda series of community cleanup opportunities around the South Kensington Business District so that you can choose how to get involved!

As a “thank you” for your hard work, we will offer our volunteers an Equal Dollars gratuity which they can spend at local Kensington businesses on September 28th. Equal Dollars Community Currency is based around the community service efforts of our members and volunteers, and all Equal Dollars members are welcome and encouraged to come volunteer on the 28th and get thanked with Equal Dollars!


Join us on Saturday the 28th to help beautify South Kensington business corridors. Volunteers and community groups will convene on the morning of Saturday, September28th at 10am at the Hyperion Bank parking lot located at 2nd St. & Girard Avenue. Coffee and refreshments will be served.

One of the sites on Saturday's list will be La Finquita (the Little Farm, 436 W. Master Street @ Lawrence).

Learn about the importance of a successful compost system in your garden, and participate in a hands-on demonstration. Compost is crucial to the vitality of your soil, and while most gardeners know this, very few have actually been able to create their own finished product. We'll teach you a few tricks to get you on your way to producing your very own golden soil.  The workshop is from 10am until noon. Turn the compost and weed for Equal Dollars!

Please RSVP!  (nschaumburg@southkensingtoncommunity.org215-427-3463)

Free Trees for Your Yard!


Responding to popular demand, PHSTreeTenders® and Philadelphia Parks & Recreation TreePhilly are partnering to offer bare root yard trees as part of the citywide TreeTenders bare root planting this November. Upon request, SK Tree Tenders will assist with delivery and planting.

You can fill out the application at the SKCP office or use the following link to apply electronically: Fall 2013 TreePhilly.Tree Tenders yard tree property owner request form

All applications are due AUGUST 12TH.

AVI Still an Issue? Check out our BRT Service Briefing!


With Actual Value Initiative still an issue, we want you to be as educated as possible. Come to our service briefing next Monday, April 15th at 6:30, to hear from Councilman Jim Kenney among other city representatives about whether or not you should appeal your tax assessment.

Join us this Saturday for the 6th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup!


Want to meet your neighbors, enjoy the weather, and give back to your community? Join SKCP and other community members this Saturday for a day of civic engagement! From 10AM to 2PM, SKCP will be leading different cleaning projects across the neighborhood. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get involved and give back!

SKCP is Keepin' It Local on April 6th!


If you've earned Equal Dollars by volunteering with us, now is your chance to use them! Local businesses will be accepting Equal Dollars at their registers this Saturday, April 6th! If you have earned Equal Dollars but don't have the cash on hand, come to the SKCP office between 10a.m. and 4p.m. on Saturday to make a withdrawal from your account. If you haven't signed up for Equal Dollars yet, do it today! Contact Dan at to get started. Visit to learn more about the currency. As of now, participating businesses include: Quince Cafe and Market 209 W Girard Ave Philly Kid Grafix custom apparel printing and branding,  513 W Girard Ave M London Furniture Factory sample furniture retail, 500 W. Girard Ave Buzz Cafe Coffee shop & bakery, 1800 N. Howard St. Philly Homebrew Outlet Beer & wine making supplies, 1447 American St. Trio's Trattoria Italian restaurant and pizzeria, 342 W. Girard Ave Kiddie Kouture Children's clothing & boutique, 217 W. Girard Ave Once Wed Again New & gently used bridal boutique, 219 W. Girard Ave El Cafeito Cafe & Latin American cuisine, 1700 N. 3rd St. George's Pizza Pizzeria, lunch & take-out, 201 W. Girard Ave

Girard Avenue Clean Up!


This Saturday get together with your neighbors to beautify our favorite Philadelphia business corridor. Meet at 1301 N. 2nd Street at 10:00AM, where we will enjoy some refreshments and distribute the clean-up materials.

Participants will receive Equal Dollars that they can use at neighborhood businesses on the upcoming "Keepin' it Local Day" planned for April 6th! Help us build a  safer, more beautiful and prosperous South Kensington!